Monday 21 January 2008

Rather tedious procrastinating device

Hey hey hey
I haven't updated in a bit simply because I haven't really been very interesting.
Not that I have now...just don't want to feel the wrath of Peter for not taking my blog seriously.

While at the Fox last night, watching Roman preforming a lovely set, cotching on a beanbag, supping on some kronie, I started thinking. Firstly I decided to call Roman Rayman from now on. Which he is ok with.
Secondly I made up this odd idea for a short film. I quite like it though. It's basically these 2 old guys who spend all there time in a pub watching other people. They comment on things that are happening as if they are mates with all the people in a "Terry is gonna get the shit kicked outta him by Phil if he doesn't stop hitting on his bird" sorta way. All the comments they make will be funny (so obviously I won't write it) and they will also give you an insight into the pairs friendship and stuff. Then one of them dies suddenly and the other guy just sits there in the pub sad until all the people they sat and commented on come over and sit with him and toast to his memory.

Never actually gonna be written just an idea I had while Rayman was playing.

I'm meant to be much more productive today but thats really not going to happen.

Sorry I can't be more amusing today will try better next time.

Over and out.

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